Music Monday: 8/15/22

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“Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm‬ ‭46:10‬ ‭AMP) This life is not about our circumstances, our feelings, our pleasures or what’s going on in this chaotic world! No! It’s all about knowing HIM personally & intimately and bearing HIS image to a lost a dying world!!!

Be Diligent to Enter This Rest!

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small-butterfly-flapping10I talk a lot about the rest which we have in Christ.  Well, I came across a blog/website by Bill Gillham.  He has a ministry called Lifetime Gaurantee that has been around for 31 years.  On their website they describe their purpose as follows:


“Lifetime Guarantee is known for its benchmark, ministry style of communicating the timeless treasures of God’s grace with personal transparency, simplicity and practicality.”


I just wanted to commend Bill and the ministry for impacting so many lives.  I also want to encourage you to read a post on his blog entitled “Struggling to Rest”.  Here is a paragraph from that post:


“I am supposed to rest in Christ. Nevertheless, struggling to rest is disconcertingly familiar to me. More often than not, my struggle is to control people and circumstances, which is to say, I harbor the deceptive belief that if I can gain control of all that affects me, I will achieve rest.”


This is fantastic, and I know you will truly be blessed….. ENJOY!!!