Quote of the Week 6/22/22

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This quote reminds us of when Paul said, ”For me to live IS Christ…”. Also, what makes a human truly human is when God resides IN them & displays the image of their Creator!!!




I just stumbled on to a blog entitled “…the Centrality & Supremacy of Christ” by a precious brother David D. Flowers who is a freelance writer &David D. Flowers blogger.  David’s heart beats with the same passion to let others know of this wonderful Christian life which is nothing more (or less) than “CHRIST IN YOU!”

PLEASE, you MUST check out the whole entry.  Below is merely an small excerpt from an entry on January 5, 2009 entitled The Problem with Modern-Day Preaching :


“How far Satan will go even in bringing about a kind of devotion to Christ, and promote a mystical, physical “Christianity” with elements of moral elevation, and yet hide within that very thing something which is of himself and, being of himself, savors of that which was in him from that time when he himself was hurled out of heaven, that thing which would take from the Lord Jesus the absoluteness of His place in the Godhead.”T. Austin Sparks, The Centrality and Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ, p.38

“If you listen closely, much of modern-day preaching is an attempt to fill the void in people’s soul by taking the back door approach to living victoriously. In the end, it undermines the absolute centrality and supremacy of Christ. Instead of preaching the depths and riches of Christ, his principles are taught in its place (not entirely of course, just those principles that fit our accepted cultural and theological ideas). To add to that… mix some new age self-help heresy in there and you completely lose anything that comes close to resembling Christ.

Christ has made a way for us to come to him directly. We should not concern ourselves with the effect (his living), until we begin with the cause (his life). Beginning with Christ will in the end give us those things that we see in his principles. We must concern ourselves with the being, instead of the doing. The doing will come naturally… after we have locked on to his Person and understand that knowing Christ in spirit and in truth is our only concern.”