“The God That Doest Wonders” (1953)

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I receive a weekly article from www.Austin-Sparks.net & the below article is from last weeks e-mail. I wanted to share it in light of my last weeks post entitled, What in the world? where I explain the origin of the world system & what it includes. In the midst of this world system, how does teach us & work in us? The article below will explain! If you would like to read the whole article go to https://www.austin-sparks.net/english/006520.html.

by T. Austin-Sparks

First published in “A Witness and a Testimony” magazine, Jul-Aug 1953, Vol. 31-4.

You are the God who does wonders” (Ps. 77:14).

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, Who alone does wondrous things!” (Ps. 72:18).

Abraham… under utterly hopeless circumstances hopefully believed” (Rom. 4:18 – Weymouth).

You are the God who does wonders.” First of all, we have the statement that our God is the God of wonders. “Who does wonders.” The other Psalmist goes further – “Who only does wondrous things”. One of the things that you and I have to learn in our relationship to the Lord is that, when we come into a living relationship with Him, we have come into the realm of infinite possibility. We have been placed upon a basis and set in a realm that is altogether above the realm with which we are familiar. We have been taken out of that realm, and put into another where the possibilities are just infinite and where the word “impossible” does not have a place. That is a thing basic to our relationship with God. We have come into the realm of infinite wisdom, which has no problems whatsoever in respect of questions – mental questions, intellectual questions; and into the realm of infinite power, which has no problems in the matter of doing things; and it is a part of the education of a child of God that that is the realm into which such a child has been born. Our whole education, viewed from one standpoint, is to discover that we have come into another realm where we may never close down with man’s wisdom or man’s power and say, ‘Well, we have come to the end of all understanding, all knowledge, all wisdom, all strength, and so that is an end of it’. We are never allowed in our new realm to close down like that. The Word of the Lord is very definite about this – that the Lord begins His wisdom in a very simple way just where man has reached the very highest and fullest development of his.

That is a great statement in 1 Corinthians 2, where the Apostle is speaking about the wisdom of this world and the rulers of this world. He is recognising this world’s wisdom. He was writing to Corinthians, and Corinth was a great city in a country where wisdom was the object of worship – wisdom and power embodied in man. In Greece wisdom and power were brought to their fullest development. The philosophers were there: they were there in strength; and they were out for one object – to answer every question and problem relative to man’s life, his origin, his destiny, and everything to do with him, and they had developed their philosophy, their wisdom, their love of knowledge to a very great degree. Then the Apostle says that this world, in its wisdom developed to the full, did the most foolish thing that creation has ever done – it killed the Lord of glory; and finally he points out that, just where man’s wisdom reached its highest development, its greatest magnitude, God commenced in a very simple way with His wisdom and made all that wisdom very foolish. “Hath not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Cor. 1: 20). God begins where man exhausts his resources of wisdom.

It is the same as to power – man’s power, developed immensely to solve problems, the problems of the universe and human life. But man’s power is exhausted and the problem is not solved. And then God begins in a very simple way and does it: showing that, between the fullest development of this world and of man’s life in wisdom and power, and the very beginnings of this other Kingdom, there is a great gulf fixed, and that the very foolishness of God is greater than the fullest wisdom of man, and the very weakness of God infinitely transcends the greatest power of man.

Education in the Realm of Infinite Possibility

This has many practical bearings, and I have specially in mind the younger folk who have to meet the world. Some of us have to meet it, and we know what we come up against in these matters in this world, and the peril of surrendering to this world in the matter of its wisdom and its idea of strength. If we do surrender, we have surrendered the Kingdom of God, we have abandoned the Kingdom of God, and we have lost the immense inheritance of being related to God – in the sense that being related, livingly related, to God brings us into the realm of infinite possibilities to which this world cannot attain. I was saying that God makes this our education, and we are learning this all the way along. Again and again and again in our lives, the Lord allows a situation to arise where that is the end – there is nothing more possible; you have exhausted all the avenues of enquiry, you have pulled all the wires that can be pulled, you have gone to all authorities, you have done everything. No, it is a closed door, it cannot be. And then the Lord just does it! At the last moment it is done in such a simple way.

Here is a simple instance. On a certain day the answer of the railway companies is that it is impossible for you to have a sleeper – you will be lucky if you get on the train at all. ‘What do you say about it. Lord?’ That is their verdict, and they repeat it almost up to the last minute. Then you get not only a sleeper but a first-class sleeper! – and that happens repeatedly in different ways all through the days.

That is the education of our life. You get to the end of what is possible, the world has nothing to offer you, and the Lord does it in a simple way, with no trouble at all. He hardly has to speak, and there it is, and it is so simple. It works out in big ways as well as little. The education of our life under the hand of God is to know we have come into another realm where we need not close down at all with human possibility. God is other than that; He has everything in His hands. He can snap His fingers and every barred door can open. It works in so many ways.

{I deleted 4 paragraphs of illustrations. To read the full article, go HERE}

What I am trying to say is this, that we have come into a realm which is above this present realm. Our God is the God of wonders, and that means that the background of wonder must of necessity be the end of human wisdom and human strength, or it is not wonder. You never wonder when you say, “That is easy, I could do that, anybody could do that!” But if you put all others out of court and all their wisdom and strength has been exhausted and the thing is hopeless, and then it is done, you wonder. The background of real wonder is the end of human resource.

The education of the people of God is along that very line of necessity to know the kind of God that is our God. We shall have to be, right to the end, brought more and more to an end of human resource, for every new bit of living knowledge of the Lord will spring out of a deadlock – the deadlock of human understanding and ability; every rising higher in the scale of spiritual life will be by a fresh crisis of human impossibility. Until the end the child of God will go repeatedly into a position where, with all that they have known and all that they have seen, the new situation is a perfectly hopeless one: they are as blind as anybody could be. “Who is blind, but my servant?” (Isa. 42:19). It means that from time to time we shall be in black darkness as to what the way is, as to the way out or the way through, as to what is going to happen, what the Lord is going to do, the issue of things; as blind as we can be, seeing nothing, and in helpless weakness, unable to bring anything about or to do anything; simply paralysed by the situation. So far as the situation is concerned, it will be a perfectly hopeless situation. If we close down with the situation as it is, we shall close down altogether and say, “That is the end!” But this is the course of education in the knowledge of the Lord, if we will accept it – that the Lord will bring us to positions where we say, “There is no solution to this problem unless the Lord gives it”. That is the normal Christian life! Take Abraham as a specimen of education: for that is what he is – spiritual education. Well, Abraham was one who “in utterly hopeless circumstances hopefully believed”: and God did it. He hopefully believed that he might become the father of many nations, and it happened, in utterly hopeless circumstances.

You see, the background must be like that if there is to be something ‘wonder-ful’, or, in other words, if we are to know what kind of Lord we have, and those who will go most utterly with the Lord will know this hopelessness of situations more than others. Some people are not prepared to go with the Lord unless He is all the time treating them as little children, explaining everything to them, answering all their questions. He may come down to that childish level and answer those questions, for it is like children to ask questions. But the Lord’s way of educating is not to answer like that. When we get to a certain stage of maturity, the Lord does not just come and say, “I am going to do this, and I will tell you why; I want you to pass this way, and I will tell you exactly why: you need not worry at all, I will be with you right through and you will come out the other end all right”. When we get on, we find ourselves plunged into situations altogether beyond us, beyond our resource, and the Lord seems to be hiding Himself and standing back and having no interest in it. We are brought to the position – “This requires a miracle, this requires a wonder, this requires someone altogether outside our realm of resource”: and we go on quietly, and the Lord does not crash in and deal with the thing in some amazing way. It just happens, and we find that we come through so simply that we wonder if there ever was a serious crisis at all. All the wonders that the Lord did in the past no longer remained with us as wonders in our consciousness when that new situation arose. We have known the Lord to do things which resolved the greatest problems: but today, with a greater problem, that does not stand us in very much stead. We lose the strength of all those past experiences; we have to have something new. The Lord does not want His people to live upon the past. He wants them to have ever present living knowledge of Himself, so there must be new difficulties that call for new interventions. That is the background of knowing the Lord progressively.

THE Thesaurus for Our Life!


In school, while writing a term paper or an essay of sorts, many of us have used a thesaurus.   Wikipedia states that “A thesaurus is a book that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms)…”  It is a veritable treasure trove when you’re looking for just the right word to use.

Well, Colossians 2:2-3 says, “that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, that is, Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” The word “treasure” in verse 2 is the Greek word “thēsauros”.  Our English word thesaurus comes from this word.

Think of that! Jesus…..IS the very storehouse – a “treasure chest” of ALL wisdom and knowledge, AND if you know Him, then this endless, rich source of wisdom and knowledge dwells in you and me. Do you believe this?  I have to ask, because as I go about my daily life, I hear believers talking and acting as if they are verbal paupers with no thesaurus.  We know the very treasury of ALL wisdom and knowledge, AND He wants to share Himself with us.

We often listen to a teacher on TV and maybe read another teacher from a book.  Yet, the very answers we need are IN Jesus who is IN us!  I Cor 1:30 says, “But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God…”

It says it is “hidden” which is a reminder that we have a living relationship with the Lord of the universe, and we get to spend time with Him and get to know Him.  This life we have IN CHRIST is an exciting life.  He is THE thesaurus for our lifes’ answers!  He IS our life!!!