A Truth That Rocked My Heart!

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Growing up, I always liked movies about that took place during the times of the kings, knights, Sir Lancelot, warring kingdoms, etc. There was something romantic & exciting to me.

For the last several months I’ve been consumed with Jesus’ Kingship & the truth that His Kingdom IS at hand….NOW! My mind would often wander imagining what it was like to be the servant of a king during those times in the movies. Then, suddenly a phrase popped into my head….

Your wish is my command!

A few days later I was sharing with my friend Matt about this very post & he said, ”What about…”

I serve at the pleasure of the king!”

The more I pondered & meditated on this the more excited I got! I kept thinking, ”That IS the normal Christian! A subject of THE King who lives to serve, please & carry out HIS will!!!” It so impacted my heart & mind on an even deeper level than I thought I was. I prayed, ”Father, I’m done with this world! I’m sick of it! I will do whatever you as MY KING wishes. I will go, do, say (or not say) whatever YOU desire!”

Day by day, I am becoming more obsessed with living as a ”slave of righteousness”…period. You see, leading up to these events, God had been doing a work of convicting & breaking me of my pride and my fleshly critical & judgmental attitude. I had been praying that He would help me to love His body more & to simply walk in love. Wow, has He been answering that prayer. I’m growing more & more!


This question is one that I started to consider! I started realizing that I AM NOT IN THE EQUATION! It is NOT about my will, my pleasure, my goals, etc. etc. The more I pondered this question the more excited & passionate I became. I challenge you, to do the same. PLEASE…this is not a religious exercise. NO! This is a shift of your heart & mind (repentance) to the literal realization that HE IS YOUR KING! As Jesus said, ”Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

I am challenging you live as the Apostles did….they lived with the reality that the ”kingdom is at hand” because Jesus was alive in them. They went about preaching the ”gospel of the kingdom” (topic for another post). AND they changed the world! His kingdom is NOW, because He lives in you and me!!! Wherever we go, the kingdom of heaven IS there!!! This IS the ”gospel of the kingdom.”

Listen to just a few verses from the mouth of our King…

But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.” ~ ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ (‭AMP‬‬ version)

“…because I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of the one who sent me.

“…because I’m not trying to carry out my own wishes, but the wishes of the one who sent me.

“…and that I never act on my own initiative….I always do what pleases Him.

I’m in conflict because there is so much more I want to say. I challenge you to start considering all of the ramifications of this truth! One truth that I will be blogging about is the fact that we are ”citizens of heaven”. This is not our home!

The Normal Christian lives to please and serve the King & His Kingdom

Latter Rain Or Latter REIGN?

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I just had (4/22/22) an interaction with a very dear sister in Christ on iMessenger. What you’re about to read is our brief dialogue.

HER ORIGINAL POST: This is the word of God let it rain 🌧let it rain 🌧 Joel 2:23 (NKJV) ”Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month.”

MY ORIGINAL RESPONSE: “____, can you help me understand what you mean exactly?

HER: Joel 2:23 (NKJV) ”Be glad then, you children of Zion, And rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—the former rain, and the latter rain in the first month. I really believe that we are experiencing a new season where the spirit of God is moving some have experienced dry season but like Elijah prayed and believed for the rain and God send the rain.

ME: I so love your heart for Jesus ____! You and I are both the same in terms of having passion for the Lord!!!😘

ME: What if the “latter rain” IS Jesus & His Kingdom that is here now in you & me!! If you read in Acts 2 Peter referenced Joel 2 & he pointed it to Jesus! We all as believers simply start believing what Jesus and his disciples taught and then walk in truth! In other words, become love! The world would take notice & I believe that the nature of his ekklesia would radically change! I love & appreciate your heart ____. My passion from now on is Jesus & the “gospel of the Kingdom.” I have a provocative blog post that is scheduled to be published on Sunday morning. I do hope you read it. I believe it will bless your heart ____.😘

HER: Wow I love that

ME: I’m very concerned about His body, because sometimes I believe that we’re always chasing after something more; something new; a Christian “celebrity”. When in reality, we have it all! His name is Jesus! The resurrection power lives in you and me! I think it’s time his body takes Jesus words seriously and deny ourselves, take up your cross and simply FOLLOW HIM!

HER: Amen

I agree with my dear sister that His Spirit is moving amongst His body, His Bride & that many have become ”dry”. What I’m sensing & seeing is more & more believers are ”leaving the church” (institution) to SAVE their faith not leave their faith. Their spiritual DNA of Jesus is longing to share life & live as the ekklesia!

I believe there is a breaking & revival of Jesus Bride that is on the horizon. His body is returning to REIGN Jesus as King in His Kingdom which IS on earth in you and me!!! “For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.”‭‭ (1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:25‬ ‭NASB) It is a calling back unto the Bridegroom His pure Bride who has eyes & hearts ONLY for HIM.

This is the life of a Normal Christian!!!!