THE MUSIC ROOM: flesh vs Spirit

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The following is an amazing illustration I found in Major Ian Thomas’ book entitled, The Mystery of Godliness. WOW! Have you ever wondered why you do the bad or dumb things you do at times? Have you ever struggled with trying to understand what is “the flesh”? Why is “the flesh” even here for me to deal with? The following illustration, I hope, will help you to understand this with greater clarity.

Perhaps I can clarify the issues still further by the use of this simple illustration. Let the human spirit represent the Royal Residence, prepared by God for the Holy Spirit; the Royal Resident, imagine next that the soul represents the Music Room, and in it there is the Grand Plano of human personality – mind, emotion, and will. The body, as the amplifier, will communicate the music from the music room to the world around!

Do you get the picture? When God created Adam in his innocency, the Holy Spirit-as the Royal Resident imparting the life of God-was at home in Adam’s human spirit, the Royal Residence. He had unchallenged and exclusive access to Adam’s soul, the Music Room, and He alone had the right to sit, as it were, at the keyboard of human personality, the Grand Piano.

Instructing the mind, controlling the emotions, and directing the will, the Spirit of Truth struck every chord in perfect harmony with the heart of God in heaven, and a matchless melody rang out in evidence that God was reigning in the heart of man on earth!

God, however, had given to man the key to the Music Room–that is to say to his soul or heart-and this key was man’s right to choose out of a free will. He would not outstay His welcome! The presence of the Royal Resident in the Royal Residence was to be a matter for mutual consent, for there was to be a “faith-love” relationship between man and God. So long as the Music Room remained unlocked, offering to the Holy Spirit unchallenged and exclusive access to the keyboard of human personality, God promised that the Royal Resident would remain within the Royal Resi-dence-the Spirit of God within the human spirit–and man would share the very life of God Himself and would declare Him to the world in which he lived.

At the same time, God made it very clear to man, that should the door be locked and access to the Music Room be denied to the Royal Resident, He would not remain within the Royal Residence, and the human spirit would become destitute of the Holy Spirit. In that day, man would cease to share the life of God; spiritually, he would die!

Man continued to enjoy unbroken fellowship with God, until one day the Deceiver came–the Arch-Enemy of God and Destroyer of Man-soul, whose name was Lucifer, son of the morning (Isa. 14:12). He had rebelled against The Truth, and had become The Lie, and the Father of Lies–for there was no more Truth in him! More commonly he is known as the Devil, or Satan, but cannot always be readily identified, for often he masquerades as an Angel of Light.

This deceiver persuaded the first man Adam that man could play the Grand Plano of human personality without God–and just as well as God! He pointed out the great advantages of being free from the restrictive presence of the Holy Spirit, whose absence, far from detracting from human experience, would undoubtedly enhance it, for man would then be able to pick and choose his own tunes; tunes that needed only to be in harmony with himself and certainly not in harmony with God! Far from losing life by losing God, man would gain life in an entirely new dimension–enjoying things which tasted even better than they looked, and which would make him wise as wise as God! Indeed man would become his own god, and what could be better than that?

Suffice it to say that the first man Adam believed the lie and locked the door of the Music Room, and the Royal Resident left the Royal Residence, which became strangely cold and empty, and although he could not quite explain it, Adam had a new and queer sensation which he had never known before; for the want of a better name he called it fear, and it has never left man since, and it still has the same strange effect on him that it had on Adam then! It always makes man want to hide or run away! The funny thing is this–again and again he finds that what has made him run away from God has traveled with him! It is a bad conscience!

However, at least Adam was on his own now and could have a crack at that Grand Piano. What he did not know, however, was that while he was talking to the Lie (that Deceiver called Satan), one of the Lie’s sons (for he is the Father of Lies) had slipped into the Music Room!

Later, when Adam looked into the Music Room, there he was, sitting at the keyboard thumping away at the notes, and producing the most excruciating noises, all out of harmony with each other and with everyone else! His name was The Flesh-and man has never been able to get him away from the Grand Piano since! At least, not on his own!

It was still the same Grand Piano, that is to say, the same human personality, but having once produced harmony, it now only produced discord! Adam started quarreling with Eve, and said it was all her fault; but she blamed the Devil-and she wasn’t far wrong! Then it spread to the children, and Cain murdered Abel-and the whole miserable story has been going on ever since!

No! This is not an extract from Alice in WonderlandI have been telling you the story of your heart and mine! The Holy Spirit at the keyboard is the source of all godliness; and the flesh at the keyboard is the source of all iniquity!

You do not need a new piano! You need a new planist! That Is what the gospel is all about- how to get the wrong man out, and the Right Man in- and to exchange The Lie for The Truth!

On your own you cannot do it! But I have good news for you!

You can’t!….But HE can!


What it looks like to live for SELF!

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This past week, the idea of self and how repulsive it is to the heart of God has been brought to my attention several times this week. This morning, right when I woke up I sensed the Holy Spirit telling me that in order to get a good understanding what the self-life looks like I simply have to reverse the description of love in the “love chapter” of 1 Cor 13:2-8;13

“If I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing, and if I give away all my possessions to charity, and if I surrender my body so that I may glory, but do not have love, it does me no good.” (vs 2-3)

  • apart from love I am a nobody & these noble activities are worthless.
  • this kind of self-driven activity apart from being “love-driven” (the Spirit) is void of spiritual value

LOVE IS…This love is “agape” or the God kind of love; it is unconditional & can only be truly generated by Jesus through His Spirit in us!!!

> patient – “long spirited”; forbears; suffers long; endures others

  • SELF-LIFE: short-spirited; quick to punish & be angry & avenge

> kind – only used hear in the NT; to show oneself mild; benevolent;

  • SELF-LIFE: unkind; harsh; cruel; inconsiderate; thoughtless; callous; unsympathetic; uncaring; disagreeable; hostile

> not jealous – rejoices for others; zealously desires the good for others; celebrates others’ victories or position, etc.

  • SELF-LIFE: burn with envy; zealously looking at desiring what others have & how they are, etc.

> does not brag – only time used in NT; love gives Father all the glory; seeks to exalt others & God!; speaks of others or God first; underplays self

  • SELF-LIFE: displays self; exalts or vaunts self; self is #1 topic out of the mouth

> not arrogant – humble; self-effacing; modest; meek; egoless; self-deprecating; un-conceited

  • SELF-LIFE: to puff up self; inflated with pride; inflate self to others; self is enthroned; haughty; thinking highly of self; vain; ego driven

> does not act disgracefully – decently; honorably; respectably; uprightly; righteously; 

  • SELF-LIFE: acts rudely; offensively; dishonorably; scandalously; wickedly; detestably; unmannerly

> does not seek its own benefit(can literally read: “does not seek self; it is a seeking to find); So…love lives for & serves others; my only “right” is to love others; if love is controlling me & it is what I wake up for others can’t hurt/offend me;

  • SELF-LIFE: self-serving; “finding self” is #1 on mind (goal); what’s in it for me; insists on its own “rights”; it’s about MY way; my pleasure; my image, etc. etc.

> is not provoked – no “triggers”; a dead man can’t be “moved”(provoked); at peace; serene; tranquil; a dead man can’t be triggered

  • SELF-LIFE: touchy, fretful, resentful, easily moved emotionally, irritated, aggravated; easily angered

> does not keep an account of a (real; actual) wrong (evil) suffered – walks in forgiveness; takes into account what Jesus did for me & not what others are doing; 

  • SELF-LIFE: takes evil, injurious acts & words, etc. personally instead of taking what Jesus did & made me personally!!!; has a “long memory”; holds on to offenses, weighs them, meditates on & keeps an accounting of them (maybe by degrees); 

> does not rejoice in unrighteousness [self-life], but [love] rejoices when right & truth prevail

> bears all things – keeps every confidence; love seeks to protect by covering

  • SELF-LIFE: quick to tell secrets to make self look good; quick to uncover weaknesses

> believes all things – “is ever ready to believe the best of every person.” (Amp)

  • SELF-LIFE: quick to think the worse of others; 

> hopes all things – because love is our driving force, our hope (in Jesus) doesn’t waver

  • SELF-LIFE: because self-protection is of utmost importance, the hope we have in Jesus quickly fades under difficult circumstances

> endures all things – great example: Jesus enduring the cross (a picture of love)

  • SELF-LIFE: folds under pressure; if it isn’t serving self, it gives up

> LOVE NEVER FAILS under all these situations – in other words, if love is what is motivating an activity or word, etc. you can’t go wrong because you’re not in it for yourself & you can therefore make it right!!! (ie: being misunderstood)

  • SELF-LIFE: so the ultimate problem of SELF is that is will ultimately be a spiritual “failure”; self always falls short

These 3 remain: faith, hope, and love => but the greatest of these is love.

  • SELF-LIFE: SELF is first; supreme; most important; pre-eminent
  • A self-driven life is marked by self being enthroned; master; controller, etc.




(This is a great follow-up to my post entitledFeelings……What’s Up With ‘em?”)

As I meet and observe the ecclesia (Church), I’ve come to realize that so many are living in bondage today.  We have become spiritually weak and anemic.  Please here me!  I am not saying this out of condemnation, but from a heavy heart burdened for the body of Christ; for I too lived a life in bondage for almost 20 years.

This is why this message is the cry of my heart to so many brothers and sisters in Christ I meet.  It is a message I believe today’s Church needs to here: we were born for freedom!!!

IN [this] freedom Christ has made us free [and completely liberated us]; stand fast then, and do not be hampered and held ensnared and submit again to a yoke of slavery [which you have once put off] Galatians 5:1 (Amplified)

Are you living in bondage?  What is YOUR “flavor” of bondage? Is it a behavior? A substance? Another person?  An attitude? Religion? etc…etc…etc!!!!  Why are so many of us living in bondage and therefore living a life of fruitlessness?

In John chapter 11 there is a story that beautifully illustrates the predicament many believers find themselves.  It is the story of the resurrection of Lazarus.  Now, although I know there is much to learn from this chapter, I merely want to paint a picture for you.

Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days (so by this time he had stinkith…lol).  Jesus then “cried out with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come forth.’ ” It is at this point I want to focus.

“The man who had died came forth, bound hand and foot with wrappings, and his face was wrapped around with a cloth.  Jesus said to them, “Unbind him,and let him go.” John 11:44

So, when he came forth he had to be hopping, because it says he was BOUND UP still.  Here are the questions I want us to consider (thanks to Dennis Jernigan for these???):

1)      Was Lazarus as alive as he was ever going to be?  YES!!!

The bible says he did come forth.  Can’t you just see him hopping out?  Just picture a mummy hopping all bound up.  He was definitely alive.  So, if you are alive, you can’t get any more alive can you? J


2)      Was he as FREE as he was going to be? NO…..NO…..and a resounding NO!!!

He was alive yet still bound up in the grave clothes.  Therefore, he could NOT enjoy the resurrection life Jesus just gave him.  He was restricted by the clothes of death.

There are several points that need to be made that are very liberating.  They are all centered on IDENTITY!

First of all, the grave clothes are symbolic of your flesh.  Please note….they are separate from Lazarus.  For years in my sincerity for righteousness fueled by legalism, I was confused by what I identified as thoughts, actions, desires, etc. and IDENTIFIED myself with them and by them.  Why?  Well, did Lazarus’ grave clothes have the stench of death? Absolutely!  So, just because he stunk like death didn’t mean he was dead.  NO!  So too, because my thoughts, actions, etc. were very real and stinky, I would condemn myself because of them, and would beat myself up.

Like Lazarus, our flesh stinks, is filthy, (please get this) it CAN NOT be cleaned up (changed) and IT….IS….NOT….YOU!!!!  Your “flesh” is not a “sinful nature” as though you have another one.  You do NOT have two natures if you are in Christ.  You have the NATURE OF JESUS!

The Greek word used for flesh is “sarx”.  It is used 126 times in the NT and is ALWAYS used for the body (“flesh and blood”) or the “carnality” of man.  Now hear me, our “flesh” is merely what is left over from our OLD MAN.  It is the “grave clothes” if you will, of your old nature that is now dead.

“knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is freed from sin.” Romans 6:6-7

If you are in Christ “you are a new creation”……period.  This is your new (and only) nature.  Lazarus, who WAS dead, was now a new alive man, but he was not enjoying this new life.   Like Lazarus, many of us are identifying with the flesh because it APPEARS to be real……to be part of us.   But in reality, like the grave wrappings, they are all together separate from you.  They are NOT you!!!  You are not what you do….what you think…or what others say.  You are who Jesus made you to be:

“He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that WE might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Cor. 5:21


“for we walk by faith, not by sight—“ 2 Cor. 5:7 [nor by feelings]

The story continues.  Lazarus was brought forth to life in order to WALK… MOVE… function as he was intended.  So, too were you.  But how do we walk free from bondage.

“…you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” John 8:32

If the truth sets you free, what binds you? Lies…..period!!!  Figure out what lies you are believing and substitute them with truth, and my dear friend you WILL walk in freedom.  The grave clothes of bondage will fall free not as you work hard in a 12 step program, or by utilizing psychological strategies, etc.  NO! We live free as we walk in truth.

Finally, Lazarus had a little help did he not?  John 11 says that Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.” WOW! What a beautiful picture of the ecclesia (the Church) today!  When we see a brother or sister in bondage, are we supposed to condemn them, talk about them, and shun them?  Absolutely not!!!  If we TRULY understand this message of grace and freedom, we will excitedly and with joy, share the truth of their new identity and of their LIFE in Jesus with them…..all the while encouraging them to simply believe.

As the body of Christ here and now we desperately need each other to help “take off” the each other’s grave clothes.  How?  By walking in truth ourselves and simply and lovingly share that truth.

My dear family Jesus IS “the resurrection and the LIFE,” and if you are truly born again, then you were dead and bound, but now you are alive; alive to walk in freedom.

Therefore they said to Him, “What shall we do, so that we may work the works of God?  Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God that you believe in Him whom He has sent.” John 6:29-30

Will you believe today?

Is MY Experience the Normal Christian Life?

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I stumbled upon this on the internet and had to pass it on.  It is from Dr. Bill Gillham’s book What God Wishes Christians Knew About Christianity, pp 3-4.  The chapter is entitled: THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN’S EXPERIENCE IS NOT THE NORMAL CHRISTIAN LIFE.  I pray the Lord encourages your heart…blessings!

“…yet many have no knowledge of how Jesus Christ holds the secret to their victory over the flesh.

     The Spirit of Christ living through them can overcome their flesh.  There is nothing quite so sad as the tale of an effective Christian whose ministry was launched with the spiritual equivalent of a Super Bowl half-time show only to blow its fuses and leave the “spectators” choking on the smoke. Gang, moment-by-moment victory over evil is not a reality for many sincere Christians with a heart to glorify Christ. Their actions fall far short of their desires due to having no knowledge of how to let Christ express His overcoming life through them.

     Although this is the normal experience of many Christians, it’s a far cry from the normal Christian life that the Bible describes. I would guess that most Christians believe it’s inevitable for us to sin hundreds of times per day (when you include the sins of the thought-life), and they’ve settled into this fatalistic mode until they die or Jesus comes. The Bible does not teach that our physical death is God’s provision for our freedom. It teaches that Jesus Christ’s death, resurrection, ascension, and sending of the Holy Spirit is God’s provision for our freedom. Since that is so, then why is the body of Christ not enjoying this freedom?  What’s the problem? Did some significant truth that is able to empower us to victory either fall on deaf ears or fall instead through the cracks and leave many of us crippling along with dirty spark plugs? This was certainly my case. I never dreamed that God had a solution already installed in me. Perhaps this is the case with you as well. If so, let’s open God’s love letter to us and trust the only One who can teach us the mind of the Lord-the Holy Spirit-to give understanding of how to appropriate the victory that is ours in Christ.”